The Emotion Code Chart
The Emotion Code Chart. The Emotion Code Chart is an easy-to-use tool that allows Emotion Code practitioners to identify which emotions have become trapped within the body. The Emotion Code addresses the root of the imbalances, which can be physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual.
An Emotion Code Chart is a system for healing in the form of a chart that contains a matrix.
This chakra is the basis of balance and is characterized by love, affection, empathy, trust, and enthusiasm.
In case of imbalance, a person may deal with emotional issues like rage, lack of confidence, stress, possessiveness, fear, and moodiness. Using the Emotion Code Chart does exactly that—releasing trapped emotions. Start by asking yourself or your subject, "Is this trapped emotion in Column A?" Perform the muscle test and, if the muscle being tested weakens, the answer is "No." In that case, ask if the trapped emotion is in Column B.
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Ronald Farrel
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